Our story so far...

Mobile Cycle Service started with a van and some tools. Heavily focused on fleet servicing, we set out our journey.

We landed our first Police job and very quickly started collecting police stations across London. By the end of the year we had 12 boroughs, the British Transport and Park's Police on our books.

We continue to grow our public business visiting hundreds of groups and families. New van too!

We open our very own little bike shop in Midhurst West Sussex. All Ride Now!!

As E-bikes become more prevalent we start to see a lot more in for repairs and servicing.

Although we were legally allowed to visit people during lockdown because we were considered essential workers, it just didn't feel right. We retreated back to Sussex and worked from our little shop.

We got pretty busy during lockdown and grew out of our little shop. We had an amazing opportunity to take on another shop just next door. So we took it. We continued to service bikes locally and used our mobile service for collections and deliveries mostly.